First of all, I'm a devout 43 years old and have never been married. I have followed all the rules of the church. My fiance is non-catholic, baptized methodist and divorced. He has been divorced for over 17 years and never remarried. He was married in Las Vegas in a methodist chapel. His wife was mormon, but neither practiced their religion. From talking to people, it sounds like he needs a full annulment.
My fiance has been wonderful about abiding by those rules that are important to me. We have not consummated our I said I've always wanted to do the right thing and he's been wonderful about it. He's 52 years old and I'm sure that can't be easy. He was willing to at least start the process for me... but now his ex-wife has become involved. She will fight the annulment and she's presented the annulment to their 3 children as a terrible thing.. In fact saying that an annulment states that the marriage never should have happened and therefore they should never have happened. Of course that has made it very difficult for my fiance to go through with the process. He feels that will hurt them tremendously. How can I ask him to do something like that. I have tried to do things the right way... and he has too.
We love each other so much. We are extremely compatible and I know this marriage would be forever. Is there any other way to go about this?