The Sacrament of Marriage is a covenant by which a man and a woman establish in the presence of God and His Church a lifetime partnership, which by nature is ordered for the good of the spouses and the procreation of children. Pastors & deacons , if you have any anwers to the questions below, please feel free to share your ideas. My apology, I don't answer your questions anymore to avoid confusions. Just approach your parish priest for advice. home:

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Recognized by the Church

I have a question regarding marriage......

I am a non-Catholic who is going to marry a Catholic. I have been married before but not in a church (by an ordained minister). Do I have to have my marriage annulled for him to continue the sacraments and for it to be recognized by the church?

Dispensation Form

I was married to a protestant in a protestant ceremony in the Philippines. I don't remember signing any dispensation form. There were also no catholic church representatives on our wedding. What do I do to annul our marriage? I know this would only be effective within the catholic church but will not affect our legal civil status. I would be filing the civil annulment later on.

Please let me know what should I do and how long do you think this will take?

Artificial Birth Control

I am an unmarried catholic who is simply interested in learning about

Can you answer the following simple question for me pleeeease.

If two people prior to getting married were fornicating using artificial birth
control and made a clear decision that they would continue using artificial birth control when they got married until one who is pursuing their career is satisfied with their career, can this be a valid ground for annulment if after 9 years of being married the marriage legally comes to an end??

Can it be said that they were not open to life/ didn't really intend to get

Married a non-Catholic

Can a man who has married a non-catholic without permission in a non-catholic Christian Church and who is now divorced marry a catholic in a catholic church? What process would he need to go through?