The Sacrament of Marriage is a covenant by which a man and a woman establish in the presence of God and His Church a lifetime partnership, which by nature is ordered for the good of the spouses and the procreation of children. Pastors & deacons , if you have any anwers to the questions below, please feel free to share your ideas. My apology, I don't answer your questions anymore to avoid confusions. Just approach your parish priest for advice. home:

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Converted to the Roman Catholic Faith

I am a 46 year old Catholic man struggling with my marriage and came across your website. I have been married for 22 years, have 3 children (ages 13, 11, 9) and have been struggling for years with what others see as "anger management" problems due to what I have considered heavy job stress and oblilgations of providing for my family. I have thought for many years that if only I could be more patient, with God's grace, express my marital life frustation honestly to my wife--which I have often, many times, that somehow my relationship with my wife would improve. If I could only make my wife change i.e. be more interesting, more confident, more trustworthy, that I would have less frustration.She is attempting to figure herself out by attending weekly couneling with a Catholic family therapist, yet I see no sustained change . Not until I read your article about the possibility of "personality disorders" did something inside of me click and realize that due to my upbringing, and also being married at a young age (23) that that is may be the root cause of my on-going feelings of hopelessness and feelins of being trapped. Combine that with a wife who though is a very good mother, and devout woman yet ignores my needs after I have expressed them both verbally and in writing, I feel as though I entered into the marriage having married the wrong person. Now as I look back and see just how different my family is from hers, (Italian-American from New York) and she a native California, raised in the Mormon faith and then converted to the Roman Catholic faith before we married, that may be part of the reason why I have been experiencing pain for so long. Having strayed from the RC faith at one point in my life, we were married in 1980 in a non-demoninational Protestant Church with a short 6 month marriage prep course.


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