The Sacrament of Marriage is a covenant by which a man and a woman establish in the presence of God and His Church a lifetime partnership, which by nature is ordered for the good of the spouses and the procreation of children. Pastors & deacons , if you have any anwers to the questions below, please feel free to share your ideas. My apology, I don't answer your questions anymore to avoid confusions. Just approach your parish priest for advice. home:

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Basis of Abuse

I came across your web site today in great desperation. I've been married for 3 years after only dating for 10 months, my husband moved out 7 months ago after 21/2 years of a hellish marriage. He physically and mentally has been abusing me since the day after we married. He has been diagnosed with cronic depression and having a voilent temper. He has been admitted to the psychiatric hospital on several occassions.

Why i'm writing is i want an annulment from my marriage to him on the basis of the abuse and the fact he is too immature to be married. I am constantly afraid of his temper, he has physically hurt me on several occasions, he's raped me on several occassions, from which his parents had to intervene. He's a constant liar, drinker and does drugs. His mood swings and aggressive behavior started the day after we got married, he told me to take it now that we were married he owned me and i had no say in the matter. If he hadn't moved out i was truely afraid that i was going to kill him the next time he tried to hurt me. Our fights always ended up in violent outburst from him, he has done severe damage to my car, resulting in high repair costs, he's kicked in house doors, thrown things at me, put knives to my throat and threatened to kill me. I lived this way for 2 1/2 years and couldn't take it anylonger.

I've had to change the locks on the house, change the phone number, i'm afraid to go out at night incase he's around. There is no chance of reconciliation of our marriage, i want nothing further to do with this man, i'm afraid if the church can't help me i'll do something drastic to end this pain that's eating away at me everyday.

I'm frieghtened and need some advice, please give me some light at the end of this tunnel.


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