The Sacrament of Marriage is a covenant by which a man and a woman establish in the presence of God and His Church a lifetime partnership, which by nature is ordered for the good of the spouses and the procreation of children. Pastors & deacons , if you have any anwers to the questions below, please feel free to share your ideas. My apology, I don't answer your questions anymore to avoid confusions. Just approach your parish priest for advice. home:

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Left Husband fo Reasons

I am looking for someone who could help me,about my situation and i found your website. Right now,i am working here in taiwan as an overseas contract worker. I am a filipina,28 yrs. old. I've been married at my early age (18 yrs.old).It's been almost 4 yrs,since i've been separated from my husband. I want to move on and make a new life,but i could'nt make it because of my situation. I do not know,what are the process for filing an annulment.I am just an ordinary citizen and my in-laws are rich.We have two kids and for the past four yrs. they're w/ me,but i left them to my mom,because i need to work,to make a living for us. Last JUNE 2002,I went back to the phils. and sad to say,i gave up my kids to my in-laws w/ out any agreement.

When you're always hurt the best way is to go. I decided to go away and left my husband for several reasons,My in-laws have treated me bad,for almost 6 yrs,i became their servant.My husband has no job,nothing at all,he's just depending on his parents. He's an easy go lucky person.I can accept everything because he's my husband,for better or for worst, for richer or for poorer in sickness and in health..but when i became a" battered wife".....i decided to go and leave him alone. At my very young age i experienced alot of heartcahes and pains.Please help me father...because i really need help at this time. I do not know what to do.


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